Thursday, July 24, 2008

Source SDK Ideas?

So I have gotten myself back into the mood for making maps in Source SDK. Lately I have just been messing around making random maps and experimenting with the features (I still have a lot to learn about the program). Above is a spiral staircase I made (admittedly the hard way, make a few blocks, spin them the right way, rinse & repeat + copypasta) What I really need is a good idea for a map. I am thinking of either a single player hl2e2 level or some kind of css arena. If you have any good ideas (or even a good intermediate-level tutorial), post them in the comments and I will give them a try. I am always open to stealing other people's ideas!

SoW July 24 '08

This was taken a loooong time ago in hl2 back when my computer couldn't handle the game at full graphics. The first time my sister played the game for some reason she spent about 20 minutes messing with the physics objects in the starting area. She has also done some other random things in hl2, such as taking a particular suitcase (I think it was "models/props_c17/briefcase001a.mdl" if you care) as far into the game as possible, etc. ANYWAY, this is the screenshot of the week.

Fraps Folder Foliage

This isn't the screenshot of the week, but I was going through my Fraps folder and found this old picture from my first Oblivion character when I had killed 1337 creatures.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Screenshot of the Week July 16


New Feature! Woot

When I play through a game, I take a LOT of screenshots. I like to be able to go back a year or more later and see some funny or awesome pictures from the games of then. I use Fraps to capture screens and video because it does a lot of good things without taking up really any resources, or at least not enough that I would notice.
So, with that intro, I will be introducing a screenshot of the week feature into my blog. I am hoping that this will not only provide more content and lulz to the blog, but that it will sort of "spur" me into making more actual posts.
The first one is going up right after this, so yeh, it is above this post right now. Why are you reading this anyway?