Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas is Upon Us

Sorry for the delay in this update... School Finals FTL!
Christmas is finally here, and although I am not religous and my family doesn't do anything big, I do get to eat a lot of cookies =/ This plate of cookies here, for example. These cookies are not, in fact, placed out by the fireplace for a fictional advertisement of Coca-Cola to break into the house through the chimney and eat, but I am eating them right now.
Enough about cookies...
So the final reasult of the whole computer-upgrading thing is that I am going to get a new case (Antec) and 2GB of DDR2 RAM in two days exactly, and hopefully soon I will have the cash to buy the CPU and mobo mentioned below.
Anyway, this is probably going to be the last post before Christmas, so if you celebrate Christmas, Merry Christmas! If you do not, have a nice day.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Quad-Core + Mobo Incoming?

I have started to more seriously consider buying a motherboard and a new CPU. I don't know if I told you this before, but I previously was looking at PC cases. That has kind of been put aside because I found that although cooling is a problem with my current case, it might be better if I spend money on things that will actually improve my gaming abilities. As for mobos, I was exclusively looking at ASUS Intels, my favorites so far are either this one (cheaper) or this one (faster). I am really looking for something I can use many years from now. Although expensive, this processor looks really good for its price. Quad-Core FTW.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Christmas has Begun

The holiday season finally started for me. Not that it is a big deal, but it is nice to have the tree in the house. I just finished decorating the one above. Pardon the noise, my camera (about $300) is not that great at low-light shots.

Monday, December 3, 2007

"Proof" of a God (and it is a cat!)

Hey, I just was looking through some old pictures, and I found this image taken in space by the Hubble Space Telescope that I first saw a few years ago. The weird thing about this picture is that if you look hard enough, you can see the outline of a cat in the mist (the brighter part) complete with an eye, nose, and both ears. Is this proof of a cat god? I doubt it, but it is fun anyway. Click to enlarge the picture.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

...As We Walk Through the Door...

(I originally had a cool Okami picture here, but apperantly the source of the picture failed)

Hi everyone, (by "everyone" I mean 5 dudes who clicked the wrong link and got to this blog)

Ever played the PS2 (and possibly Wii now too) game "Okami"? It is a great game, but I never finished it. It's one of those games that got great reviews, but somehow didn't sell very well. I got the soundtrack for it a long time ago, but never actually got around to listening to it. The soundtrack has 207 songs in it, and IMHO, they all are awesome. There are also some full-length awesome Japanese songs there too. I am not trying to sound like an advertiser or anything, but listening to some of this music makes me think of all the games I haven't finished. I think I calculated it once, I have finished only ~48% of my console games. The holidays are coming, and the main things I "need" are upgrades for my computer. I don't think I really need any more games for a long while. Although I might get Call of Duty 4 just for the hell of it.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

New Games... Again

I just got three new games...Gears of War for PC, Garry's Mod 10, and Counter-Strike Source. CSS is still downloading even now. I think it downloaded the actual game in a few minutes, then 40% of the game is just patches. I was able to try Garry's mod though. I had a lot of fun with it. According to Steam, I played 3.7 hours of it in the first sitting. First I tried out the Counter-Strike weapons a bit, getting some practice for when I play CSS, then I tried an online server. My first server was a free server run by some 10-year-old kid. Also on the server were two or three sereotypical internet people. One just played music over VOIP, the other ones just talked using as many swear words and sexual references as possible.

Even with these weirdos the game was still fun. Basically the point was to either show off things you can make or try to kill the other people in the strangest ways possible. You couldn't just shoot them; you had to make a contraption of some sort that would hit them.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Turkey Day?

Hi all, and happy thanksgiving if you celebrate it. My thanksgiving was spent at my grandma's house. It was nothing really special, but the occasion was completely ruined for me. The reason for this was that before I left my house, I replaced the batteries in my camera with some rechargeable ones, just to give it enough power to last through the day. I was almost late, so I quickly put the old batteries into the charger and the new ones in, tested it, and it worked fine. When I got to her house, the camera mysteriously did not work any longer. I figure one of the rechargeables died completely. But that is not the point.

At my Grandma's house, I tend to get very bored. I play multiple games of Kyodai Mahjongg 2006 (best mahjongg game ever) on her old computer and think about extremely deep topics having to do with life, the universe, and human nature. So I was thinking over what I did in the morning before leaving, and I realised that the batteries I had put into the charger were actually primary (nonrechargeable). This can cause many things. At best, nothing would happen. But it was likely that the battery could die, leak, or even explode, causing a fire. I reaserched batteries online (on the same old comp) and read all I could about it, and spent the rest of the day seriously worrying if I would ever see my house again. After getting home at around 11:30 PM, it was thankfully ok. I think the batteries are dead, but I didn't look close enough to see if they were leaking.

One interesting thing that happened while I was worrying about this was that everywhere I looked, I saw signs or "omens" that made me even more nervous. There was the fire in the fireplace, the clock ticking, the burnt-looking wooden duck, and for a reason I will never conceve the topics of conversation at the table seemed to revolve around depression, suisides, death, and fires burning down large areas. wtf... o.O

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Crysis Woot!

I finally got Crysis! Well, "finally" in that I have been waiting for it for at least a year or two, but it actually came very fast. I was surprised when a simple free shipping preorder shipped the day before it came out (came out Nov 16, 2007) and the box came the day after it came out (November 17, no rly?). I am on now the "third level" meaning I have seen three different loading screens so far. It gets much harder as the game goes on as you encounter much larger herds of enemies (only been North Koreans so far). But, as you can see from the screenshot, this does not stop my ultimate pwnage skillz! Woot! It is a very realistic game, so it is fun to see what you can do with it. Once I threw one frag grenade up at a group of enemies on a clifftop and killed six at once.

As for the graphics, well, I have the Nvidia 8800 GTS 320mb and 1.5 gigs of RAM, which is moderately low according to the game. I was able to set textures to high (not very high of course) as long as I kept the other settings on either medium or low. I get a framerate of anywhere from 17-40 depending on what I am doing or looking at. It does look better than any other game I've seen on this computer before, but I really need more RAM to be able to really push my card.

So, sorry for that wall of text. Look at the screenshot (you can click any pic on this blog to enlarge) and move on.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

New Demos

Hey again, just thought I'd update again.

I got two new games - well, demos actually, but they are demos for Crysis and Call of Duty 4! Crysis is awesome, and looking at reviews of the game (PC Gamer Magazine gave it a 98%) It looks like the actual game will rip both your mind and your system a new one. It apperently shipped from today (I preorderd it) which is weird because it supposedly went gold for Nov 16... Anyway, the COD4 demo is also fun, but that demo is only about a half hour max to finish, even on the hardest difficulty.

That is all for now, I might post a screenshot of COD4 later if I feel like it (pretty much how everything goes on this blog), and if not then my next post will likely be about Crysis. Cya.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Just Thought I'd add a Picture of UT3...

Here is a picture of me playing UT3. Not really all that exiting, just wanted to be fair to that game, as it is still fun...

Timeshift and UT3!

Hi again, sorry for not updating for so long. (I feel like I will be apologizing for not updating this blog so many times it will get old...)

Well anyways I have offically finished Half-Life 2 Episode 2. (That was a good ending, a nice cliffhanger) And I have aquired Timeshift as well as the demo for Unreal Tournament III. Woot! I am actually enjoying both of these. I have not completely done all I want to with the demo, but it seems fairly fun so far, my only complaint having played the other Unreal games is that it does not seem to quite flow as well. Kinda hard to explain. Anyway, TimeShift is pretty fun; I love stopping time to run up to an enemy and stealing his weapon... =D It is a fairly basic shooter other than the time aspect to it, but sometimes it is good to relax to an FPS that doesnt require a huge amount of thinking or skill. The screenshot here is the room I am at right now when I stopped for the night.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Meh, I dont know what to call these posts anymore...

I am still playing Episode 2, I just got to the sticky mine thingys, dont want to give much away. That is a hard game, much harder than the other half-life 2's. Well, I am playing it on hard mode, so I guess I am getting what I ordered...
What else... well, I am still working on the Gmod movie, it probably will not be coming out anytime soon.
Well, thats it for now, I hope I will get something interesting to talk about. Oh, by the way, happy Holloween... I never do anything for it, but it is that day today.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Update 10272007

Once again sorry for the delay of this post, it has been an entire week already...

I have been playing with the Orange Box material of course, still not quite finished with hl2e2, but I havent actually played it that much. I just got to the second town you arrive at in the car, with the weird effect every few seconds. I stopped just as I got out of the car (to keep the suspence up), but i'm guessing that it is an effect of one of those things like what you saw in episode 1.

Anyway, I have also been playing around with Garry's Mod. I am trying to put together a movie with it, but i do not even know if I am going to be able to get the software to put it together. I have several ideas and some funny videos from it, but I might just end up having to use MS Movie Maker...

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Pics are working again (portal cont'd)

I guess Blogger finally got their act together, so I can finally post my picture of me playing portal. Not that exiting, but you can see what the game looks like at full graphics if you can't do that on your machine. I was happy to be able to run every Orange Box game at full graphics, anti-aliasing, motion blur, texture filtering, etc. at 60 fps most of the time. I am using a G-force 8800 GTS, the 320MB version. I have been very happy with it so far, and I am still waiting to test how well it handles Crysis, another game I am looking forward to. I think it comes out Nov 13.


LOL look at this animation I found... =/



First I would like to appologize for the delay in updating this blog. This is because I have been playing the ORANGE BOX! I have tried all the games now, have almost finished portal in my second run-through with commentary, and I have downloaded Peggle Extreme (lol), Source SDK, and Half-Life 2 Lost Coast.

Hm... I was going to talk about portal and have a nice screenshot here, but it seems that Blogger is having some issues... i'm getting an error... bX-9pjt6o it says... =P

If anyone knows how to get rid of this problem, please leave a comment. I will see if I can make a seprate new entry and have it work...

Monday, October 15, 2007

Bioshock: Done, Orange Box: Incoming

Shortly after posting the last entry (on the same afternoon) I finished Bioshock. I had been harvesting every little sister in the game so that I could see the evil ending. I will not give away either of the endings, but if you really want to spoil them for yourself you can probably find them on Youtube or Google video somewhere.

Today, finally, the Orange Box came! This is the game that includes Half life 2, Half life 2 Episode 1, Half life 2 Episode 2, Portal, Team Fortress, and on steam gives you the opportunity to download Peggle Extreme and Half life 2 Lost Coast. I have played a few hours of portal and have tried out TF2, but I have yet to start episode 2. I plan on doing that tomorrow, if I dont have too much work to do. My next post will have pictures, I am too lazy to go in and take some screenshots right now just to post here, and on this internet connection it would take forever to upload one of the videos I made. Anyway, if you havent already, go buy the Orange Box! =p

Saturday, October 13, 2007


I am trying to finish Bioshock before the Orange box gets here from Amazon. This is fairly hard because most of my time is taken up with school work. I am pretty far into the game I think, I am about to get the next portion of the potion so that I can get rid of the somewhat annoying "unstable plasmids", when the game randomly changes your current weapon to a random plasmid. I need to get back to playing it now!

Sunday, October 7, 2007


Woot! My blog has arisen! I am sure nearly no one will ever look at it, but what the heck, it could be fun! I am a PC gamer and internet user. I play many PC games and a few console games, my most recently played being Battlefeild 2142, Unreal Tournament 2004, Half life 2 and Bioshock. I used to play World of Warcraft, but after all my favorite WoW podcasts "took breaks", I also took a break from wow and haven't played in a serious way in many months (my main was a 64 human mage on The Venture Co. server).

I made this blog intending to put it on my website that is still in the making, but I am not sure if it will ever reach completion. It would be called something along the lines of "Nubbah", lol. If it ever gets off into the interweb, it would be a gaming / tech website, including several oddities such as a random YouTube video of the week and some random bugs I have found while using my computer.

Well, I guess that is it for my first post. If you are one of the five dudes who accidentally clicked the wrong link and stumbled upon this blog, thanks for reading! (=^-^=)