Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Woot 50 Posts!

Hey, this is the 50th post on my blog! Although I have been slacking a lot in recent memory, it is actually sort of fun having a blog. I realize that this is only read by three of my friends and maybe some random person who clicked the wrong link, but maybe that one guy read some of my "wisdom" and therefore made this blog a success. I will try to improve my attendence in the future, and hopefully will provide some useful advice (que GLaDOS) such as reviews, insight, and possibly news you haven't heard yet to keep it going.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Topic: Operating Systems

I started thinking about this topic after seeing this video on digg, and watching a few others like it (beware if you look for more yourself; 90% of them are fake).
I wouldn't call myself a Microsoft fanboy, although many may disagree with this. I am currently using Vista Home Premium, and I have had virtually no problems with it that I couldn't have had with XP. Maybe I am just very lucky. I do disagree with many of the turns Microsoft is taking and I don't use all of the annoying features that Microsoft keeps bloating their operating systems with. I resist as much as possible to use any built-in system for controlling the user, such as UAC and the "users" folders (my documents and such) because frankly, when it comes to operating systems, I am a control freak. There are so many things I would change about Vista if I had a team of around 400 caffeinated programmers at my bidding (possibly more on this later).
That said, I have yet to find an operating system better suited to my needs. Yes, I have tried a Mac, both a desktop and a laptop (not Laopard though), and I don't like it at all. From my experiences with Macs it seemed like they are trying to control everything you do to the point where you have to force yourself to think in less technical terms to get around. They only really tell you what you have to know, and they try too much to tailor things toward someone who knows little or nothing about the inner workings of a computer. Also, Apple has an annoying habit of locking users into their little niche, so that they cannot escape without giving up everything. Take iTunes for example - it is one of the last music stores that still sells their music loaded with DRM (yes I understand that it is no longer a requirement on the store, but that doesn't mean there is no longer any DRM on iTunes)
I have yet to try the new Ubuntu or any form of Linux, but from what I have heard those are not really for gamers.
Well I am not sure if I have made a point here or not but I will end this post now and possibly fix it later. =/

Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Virtual, the Future, and the Imaginable

Yeah, I know I slacked off again.

I decided not to become a complete /B/tard for fear of losing my sanity, so I only surf 4Chan when I am very bored. I have been very active lately, and not only with games.

Coming in the future of this blog: Possibly a review of Assassin's Creed, even COD4 if I feel up to it using a new review system I am working on, and maybe some ramblings of something random like String Theory.

Yes, I said String Theory. I have recently become more interested in it and am re-watching The Elegant Universe (a very nice three-hour NOVA show explaining the basics of String theory)

You see, I have been trying to not play games quite as much (don't believe it) and use my computer as more of a tool to help me enlarge my areas of knowledge. Sure, some of those areas of knowledge may be based in computers, but as technology goes on things like that will come in handy.
So keep a lookout here because like quantum mechanics, you can never tell when or how I will post next. I can only promise that I will post again.
Oh and one more thing: while on Google Images fetching these pictures, I chanced upon a very interesting website which explains in a relatively clear and understandable way how to imagine the tenth dimension. Check it out.