Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Virtual, the Future, and the Imaginable

Yeah, I know I slacked off again.

I decided not to become a complete /B/tard for fear of losing my sanity, so I only surf 4Chan when I am very bored. I have been very active lately, and not only with games.

Coming in the future of this blog: Possibly a review of Assassin's Creed, even COD4 if I feel up to it using a new review system I am working on, and maybe some ramblings of something random like String Theory.

Yes, I said String Theory. I have recently become more interested in it and am re-watching The Elegant Universe (a very nice three-hour NOVA show explaining the basics of String theory)

You see, I have been trying to not play games quite as much (don't believe it) and use my computer as more of a tool to help me enlarge my areas of knowledge. Sure, some of those areas of knowledge may be based in computers, but as technology goes on things like that will come in handy.
So keep a lookout here because like quantum mechanics, you can never tell when or how I will post next. I can only promise that I will post again.
Oh and one more thing: while on Google Images fetching these pictures, I chanced upon a very interesting website which explains in a relatively clear and understandable way how to imagine the tenth dimension. Check it out.

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