Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas is Upon Us

Sorry for the delay in this update... School Finals FTL!
Christmas is finally here, and although I am not religous and my family doesn't do anything big, I do get to eat a lot of cookies =/ This plate of cookies here, for example. These cookies are not, in fact, placed out by the fireplace for a fictional advertisement of Coca-Cola to break into the house through the chimney and eat, but I am eating them right now.
Enough about cookies...
So the final reasult of the whole computer-upgrading thing is that I am going to get a new case (Antec) and 2GB of DDR2 RAM in two days exactly, and hopefully soon I will have the cash to buy the CPU and mobo mentioned below.
Anyway, this is probably going to be the last post before Christmas, so if you celebrate Christmas, Merry Christmas! If you do not, have a nice day.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Quad-Core + Mobo Incoming?

I have started to more seriously consider buying a motherboard and a new CPU. I don't know if I told you this before, but I previously was looking at PC cases. That has kind of been put aside because I found that although cooling is a problem with my current case, it might be better if I spend money on things that will actually improve my gaming abilities. As for mobos, I was exclusively looking at ASUS Intels, my favorites so far are either this one (cheaper) or this one (faster). I am really looking for something I can use many years from now. Although expensive, this processor looks really good for its price. Quad-Core FTW.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Christmas has Begun

The holiday season finally started for me. Not that it is a big deal, but it is nice to have the tree in the house. I just finished decorating the one above. Pardon the noise, my camera (about $300) is not that great at low-light shots.

Monday, December 3, 2007

"Proof" of a God (and it is a cat!)

Hey, I just was looking through some old pictures, and I found this image taken in space by the Hubble Space Telescope that I first saw a few years ago. The weird thing about this picture is that if you look hard enough, you can see the outline of a cat in the mist (the brighter part) complete with an eye, nose, and both ears. Is this proof of a cat god? I doubt it, but it is fun anyway. Click to enlarge the picture.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

...As We Walk Through the Door...

(I originally had a cool Okami picture here, but apperantly the source of the picture failed)

Hi everyone, (by "everyone" I mean 5 dudes who clicked the wrong link and got to this blog)

Ever played the PS2 (and possibly Wii now too) game "Okami"? It is a great game, but I never finished it. It's one of those games that got great reviews, but somehow didn't sell very well. I got the soundtrack for it a long time ago, but never actually got around to listening to it. The soundtrack has 207 songs in it, and IMHO, they all are awesome. There are also some full-length awesome Japanese songs there too. I am not trying to sound like an advertiser or anything, but listening to some of this music makes me think of all the games I haven't finished. I think I calculated it once, I have finished only ~48% of my console games. The holidays are coming, and the main things I "need" are upgrades for my computer. I don't think I really need any more games for a long while. Although I might get Call of Duty 4 just for the hell of it.